BOA相关缩略词条,共有 82 条。
- BOA:Broad Ocean Area 广阔的海洋面积
- BOA:Branch Office Administrator 分支办公室行政管理
- BOA:Best of All 最好的
- BOA:Born-Oppenheimer Approximation 玻恩-奥本海默近似
- BOA:British Olympics Association (London, UK) 英国奥林匹克协会(英国伦敦)
- BOA:Business Opportunity Assessment 商业机会评价
- BOA:Buying on Agreement 在协议收购
- BOA:Bureau of Architecture 局的建筑
- BOA:Board of Accountancy 董事会的会计
- BoA:Beat of the Angel 击败的天使
- BOA:Baja Outdoor Activities (La Paz, Baja California, Mexico) 巴哈户外活动(拉帕兹、下加利福尼亚,墨西哥)
- BOA:Bayesian Output Analysis 贝叶斯输出分析
- BOA:Brotherhood of Arms 兄弟情谊的武器
- BOA:Ban on Acronyms 禁止首字母缩写
- BOA:Blade of Awe (gaming, Adventurequest) 剑,Adventurequest敬畏(游戏)
- BOA:Board of Architects 董事会的建筑师
- BOA:Blanket Order Agreement 毛毯订货协议书
- BOA:Business Operating Agreement 业务操作协议
- BOA:Business Online Access 上网业务
- BOA:British Octopush Society 英国Octopush社会