CBE相关缩略词条,共有 63 条。
- CBE:Cocoa Butter Equivalent 可可等效
- CBE:Central Bucks East 雄鹿中东。中央
- CBE:Certified Bathroom Design Educator 注册浴室设计的教育家
- CBE:Carbon Black Export 炭黑出口
- CBE:Center for the Betterment of Education 为改善教育中心
- CBE:Competitive Bidding Event 竞标活动
- CBE:Clinical Breast Examination 临床乳腺检查
- CBE:Capability Based Environment 基于能力的环境
- CBE:Communities for a Better Environment 社区为更美好的环境
- CBE:Character-Building Experience 品格培养的经验
- CBE:Cumberland, MD, USA - Municipal (Airport Code) 在美国,坎伯兰市(机场代码)
- CBE:Central Bank of Egypt 中央银行、从埃及地领出来的
- CBE:Conference of Business Economists 会议的商业经济学家
- CBE:Circuit Board Extractor 电路板过滤网
- Cbe:Base-Emitter Junction Capacitance Base-Emitter结电容
- CBE:Coulomb-Born-Exchange Coulomb-Born-Exchange
- CBE:Component Boolean Expression 布尔表达式组成
- CBE:Cooper-Bessemer Corporation Cooper-Bessemer有限公司
- CBE:Core Belief Engineering 核心信念工程
- CBE:Contract Budget Estimate 合同预算问题