DNS相关缩略词条,共有 64 条。
- DNS:Day & Night Sight 一天晚上和不见了
- DNS:Doppler Navigation Sensor 多普勒导航传感器
- DNS:Do Not Schedule 不要安排吗
- DNS:Dog N Suds (drive-in restaurant) 狗N肥皂水(免下车餐馆)
- DNS:Division of Nuclear Safety 分裂的核安全
- DNS:Dextrose Normal Saline 葡萄糖正常生理盐水
- DNS:Department of Nuclear Safety (FEMA) 核安全部门(FEMA)
- DNS:Do Not Ship 不要船吗
- dns:dysplastic nevus syndrome 发育不良性痣综合征
- dns:dinonyl sebacate 癸二酸二壬酯
- dns:dimethy aminonaphthalene-5-sulphonyl chloride 氯化二甲基氨基萘-5-磺酰
- dns:diaphragm nerve stimulation 膈神经刺激
- dns:dinitro-salicylate 二硝基水杨酸盐
- DNS:Director, Navy Staff 董事、海军人员
- DNS:Did Not Start (auto racing) 没有开始(赛车比赛)
- DNS:Doppler Navigation System 多普勒导航系统
- DNS:Did Not Show for appointment 没有显示为约会吗
- DNS:Drowning Non-Swimmer (lifeguarding) 不会跳舞(lifeguarding溺水)
- DNS:Distant Network Service 遥远的网络服务
- DNS:Dragon Naturally Speaking (voice recognition) 龙(自然语音识别技术)