DOA相关缩略词条,共有 72 条。
- DOA:Distributed Objects and Applications 分布式对象和应用
- DOA:Designated/Delegated Option Authorization 期权授权指定/授权
- DOA:Depends On Assignment 依赖于作业
- DOA:Delegation Option Authorization 期权授权的代表
- DOA:Division of Administration 分裂的政府
- DOA:Delusions of Adequacy (band) (带)的比率的幻影
- DOA:Door Open Alarm 门打开报警
- DOA:Department of Appeals 部门申诉
- DOA:Department of Accounts 部门的帐目
- DOA:Deposit Only Account 只有账户存款
- DOA:Date Of Accident (insurance term) 保险期限的事故(日期)
- DOA:Domain Operational Architecture 域名操作架构
- DOA:Degree of Angle 度角
- DOA:Degenerate Overclockers Anonymous 堕落的匿名。超
- DOA:Denial of Access 拒绝存取
- DOA:DeLorean Owners Association DeLorean业主协会
- DOA:Dictionary of Acronyms 字典的首字母缩写
- DOA:Date of Applicability 日期的适用性
- DOA:Department on Aging 在老化
- DOA:Disciples of Annihilation (techno band) 门徒的歼灭战(电子乐队)