IBA相关缩略词条,共有 67 条。
- IBA:Individual Brokerage Account 个人帐户
- IBA:Internationale Bauaustellung (Fair, Berlin, Germany) 国际Bauaustellung(公平,德国柏林)
- IBA:Intelligent Bandwidth Allocation (PCSI) 聪明的带宽分配(PCSI)
- IBA:Independent Broadcast Authority 独立的广播权
- IBA:Independent Business Application 独立的商业应用
- IBA:Indiana Bandmasters Association, Inc (Brownsburg, IN) 印地安那州Bandmasters协会有限公司(Brownsburg、)
- IBA:International Bureau of Aviation (UK) 国际局航空公司(英国)
- IBA:Inhaled Beta Agonist 吸入β受体激动剂
- IBA:Institute for Briquetting and Agglomeration 块状、集聚研究所
- IBA:Important Bird Area(s) 重要的鸟区(s)
- IBA:Interference Blanker Assembly Blanker干扰的大会
- IBA:International Business Accelerator (Santa Teresa, New Mexico) 国际商务加速器(圣德肋撒嬷嬷、新墨西哥州)
- IBA:Iban 以
- iba:infectious bursal agent 传染性腔上囊病原体
- iba:indolebutyric acid 吲哚基丁酸
- iba:indirect radioimmune binding assay 间接放射免疫结合测定
- IBA:Institute of Business Administration 工商管理学院
- IBA:Independent Brake Application 独立的刹车
- IBA:Input Bit Address 输入位的地址
- IBA:Industrias Bachoco S. A. de C. V. Industrias Bachoco . a·c V