ICE相关缩略词条,共有 181 条。
- ICE:Imperial Crystalline Entombment (band) 皇家水晶皇家(带)
- ICE:In Class Essay 在课堂上的文章
- ICE:Interactive Constructive Environment 交互式建设性的环境
- ICE:Irate Customer Evaluation 愤怒的客户评价
- ICE:Ifosfamide Cisplatin Etoposide (chemotherapy protocol) Ifosfamide铂化疗Etoposide协议()
- ICE:Increased Combat Effectiveness 增加战斗力
- ICE:Indian Council of Education 印度议会的教育
- ICE:Interactive Internet Collaborative Environment (Insoft) 互动网络协作环境(Insoft)
- ICE:Internet Content and Exchange Format (National Seminconductor/W3C) 网际网路上的内容和交换格式(国家Seminconductor / W3C)
- ICE:Information, Communication and Extension (Team) 信息、通讯、扩展(团队)
- ICE:Interest, Commission, Extras (lending) 利息、佣金、演员(贷款)
- ICE:Investigation & Criminal Enforcement (Kansas) 调查及刑事执法(堪萨斯)
- ICE:Intellectual, Cultural and Educational 知识、文化和教育
- ICE:Current Capacitive circuit Voltage (mnemonic for the phase relationship of the current (I) and voltage (E) in capacitive circuits(C)) 电容回路电流电压的相位关系的记忆的电压和电流(I)(E)的电容电路(C))
- ICE:Inter City Express (Germany) 国际米兰城表达(德国)
- ICE:Information Center for the Environment (UC-Davis) 信息中心的环境(UC-Davis)
- ICE:Integrated Computer Environment 计算机集成环境
- ICE:Interactive Connectivity Establishment (network protocol) 交互连接机构(网络协议)
- ICE:Intranode Circuit Edge Intranode电路的边缘
- ICE:International Commentary Explorer 国际评论的探险家