KSA相关缩略词条,共有 43 条。
- KSA:Kommando Strategische Aufklärung (German Army Secret Service for Exterior Affairs) Kommando Strategische Aufklärung (German Army Secret Service for Exterior Affairs)
- KSA:Knowledge Superiority & Assurance (information assurance) 知识优势和保证(信息保证)
- KSA:K-band Single Access K-band单一的访问
- KSA:Keller Soccer Association (Texas) 凯勒足球协会(得克萨斯)
- KSA:Kick Some Ass 混蛋
- KSA:Kommunikations Struktur Analyse Kommunikations Struktur分析
- KSA:Kansas State Assessment 堪萨斯州的评估
- KSA:Kultur Und Sozialanthropologie (German: Cultural and Social Anthropology) 文化和Sozialanthropologie(德国:社会与文化人类学)
- KSA:Kosrae, Caroline Islands, Micronesia (Airport Code) Kosrae吗,Caroline群岛、密克罗尼西亚(机场代码)
- KSA:Key System Attribute 关键系统属性
- KSA:Korean-American Students Association 美籍学生协会
- KSA:Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes 知识、技能和态度
- KSA:Kurt Salmon Associates GmbH 寇特鲑联营企业
- KSA:Kazakh Space Agency 哈萨克太空总署
- KSA:Ku-band Single Access Ku-band单一的访问
- KSA:Korean Student Association 韩国学生协会
- KSA:Knights Student Association 骑士学生会
- KSA:Kosrae, Pacific Ocean, Caroline Islands Kosrae、太平洋岛屿,卡罗琳
- KSA:Katholieke Studenten Actie 那些学生Katholieke活跃起来
- KSA:The Kingwood Service Association 数位服务协会的