OCA相关缩略词条,共有 74 条。
- OCA:Ohio Connections Academy (subdivision of US K-8 online school) 俄亥俄州连接的K-8我们学校(在线学校)
- OCA:Optical Channel Analyzer 光纤通道分析仪
- OCA:Office of Consumer Advocate (Pennsylvania) 办公室的消费提倡者(宾州)
- OCA:Officials Club Automobielsport (Dutch Club of Flag and Rescuemarshals for Automobile-Sports) Automobielsport(荷兰俱乐部官员俱乐部的标志和Rescuemarshals为Automobile-Sports)
- OCA:Oregon Citizens Alliance (political group) 俄勒冈州的公民联盟(政治组织)
- OCA:Optimum Currency Area 优货币区
- OCA:Orbiter Communication Adapter 卫星通信适配器
- OCA:Operational Concept Approved 批准的经营理念
- OCA:Organization of Chinese Americans 组织的华裔美国人
- OCA:Office of the Court Administrator 办公室的法院管理员
- OCA:One Cancels All (online stock trading) 一个取消所有(在线股票交易)
- OCA:Orthodox Church in America 东正教在美国
- OCA:Office of Court Administration 办公室行政工作。法庭
- OCA:Office of Community Affairs (law enforcement) 社区事务办公室(执法)
- OCA:Operating Cost Authority 操作成本的权威
- OCA:Older Coloradans Act 年长的科罗拉多的行为
- OCA:On Call Allowance 在电话津贴
- OCA:Ontario College of Art 安大略省大学的艺术
- OCA:Original Classification/Classifying Authority 原始分类分级的权威
- OCA:Optimized Cage Antenna 优化笼天线