OPP相关缩略词条,共有 73 条。
- OPP:Organizational Placement Process 组织的位置的过程
- OPP:Order Processing Point 订单处理
- OPP:Other People's Problems 别人的问题
- OPP:Orinda Park Pool (California) Orinda公园池(加州)
- OPP:Opening Price Point 价格点
- OPP:Organic Pear Production 有机梨生产
- OPP:Optical Path Protection 光路的保护
- OPP:Outline Planning Permission 规划许可的轮廓
- OPP:Ontario Paintball Place 安大略彩弹的地方
- OPP:Oregon Patriot Party 俄勒冈州的爱国者
- OPP:Option to Purchase Paid-Up Additions (optional insurance rider used to increase life insurance benefit) 选择购买保险缴款(随意添加骑手用来增加人寿保险利益)
- OPP:Office of Policy and Planning 办公室的政策和规划
- OPP:Omega Psi Phi (Fraternity) 欧米茄Psiφ(联谊会)
- opp:oxygen partial pressure 氧分压
- opp:orthophenyl-phenol 邻苯(基)酚
- opp:ocular pneumoplethysmograph 眼(眶)充气体积描记器,目镜肺体积描记图
- opp:osmotic pressure of plasma 血浆渗透压
- opp:ovine pancreatic polypeptide 羊胰多肽
- opp:oncovin(vincristine),procarbazine,and prednisone 长春新碱、甲基苄肼和强的松
- OPP:Office of Polar Programs at the National Science Foundation 办公室的极地计画的美国国家科学基金会