PACT相关缩略词条,共有 67 条。
- PACT:Performance Assessment for California Teachers 对于加州教师绩效评估
- PACT:Philippine Association of Chemistry Teachers 菲律宾协会的化学老师
- PACT:Powdered Activated Carbon Treatment 粉状活性碳治疗
- PACT:Preventive Measures, Analyses, Controls, and Tests 有针对性的预防措施,分析、控制和测试
- PACT:Precision Ballistic Measurement Equipment 精密弹道测量设备
- PACT:Parent Advisory Council Team 家长顾问委员会小组
- PACT:People Against Casino Town (Oregon) 人们反对赌场镇(俄勒冈州)
- PACT:Philippines Against Child Trafficking (Quezon City, Philippines) 菲律宾反对贩卖儿童(奎松城市政、菲律宾等)
- PACT:People's Association Cultural Troupe (Singapore) 人民协会赴新加坡
- PACT:Parents & Abducted Children Together 家长和绑架和孩子在一起
- PACT:Performance-based Academic Coaching Teams 基于学术指导队伍
- PACT:Profit and Cash Turnaround 利润和现金周转
- PACT:Partial Aircrew Coordination Trainer 部分机组协调的教练
- PACT:Presbyterian Association for Community Transformation 长老会协会团体转变
- PACT:Protected Areas Conservation Trust (Belize) 受保护区域保育信任(伯利兹城)
- PACT:Professional Association of Canadian Theatres 专业协会的加拿大剧院
- PACT:Private Access Communications Terminal 私人访问通信终端
- PACT:Putting Athletes and Community Together (Michigan State University) 把运动员和社区一起(密西根州立大学)
- PACT:People Achieving Change Together (Sacramento, CA) 人一起改变(萨克拉门托,CA)
- PACT:Progressive Allied Canadian Technologies (Northguard comic fictional corporation) 加拿大的技术进步的盟军Northguard漫画虚构公司()