PDM相关缩略词条,共有 95 条。
- PDM:Precision Destruction Munition(s) Munition精密破坏(s)
- PDM:Parlance Document Manager (Xyvision Electronic Publishing System) 文档经理(Xyvision indeed电子出版系统)
- PDM:Production Data Management 生产数据的管理
- PDM:Product-Differentiated Marketing Product-Differentiated营销
- PDM:Product Development Manager 产品开发经理汇报
- PDM:Program Development Methodology 程序的开发方法
- PDM:Policy-Driven Management Policy-Driven管理
- PDM:Protocol-Dependent Module (Cisco) Protocol-Dependent模块(思科)
- PDM:Periodic Depot Maintenance 定期车厂保养
- PDM:Program Development Manual 项目开发的手册
- PDM:Product Description Manual 产品介绍手册
- PDM:Propellant Distribution Module 推进剂分配模块
- PDM:Project Data Manager 项目的数据的经理
- PDM:Process Definition and Maintenance 定义和维护过程
- PDM:Pursuit Deterrent Mine 我追求威慑力量
- PDM:Process Development Mapping (Sprint) 冲刺过程开发映射()
- PDM:PAWS Display Manager 显示经理。爪子
- PDM:Parallel Disk Model 并行圆盘模型
- PDM:Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 患者的院前和灾难医学
- PDM:Personal Dust Monitor 个人的灰尘监控