Pupils Equal, Round, Reactive to Light and Accommodation (Medical)
英文简称 : PERRLA
中文全称 : 学生平等,圆、无功光和住宿(医疗)
所属分类 : 无
词条简介 : 无
- PERRLA : Pupils Equal, Round, and Reactive to Light and Accommodation 学生平等,圆形,以及无功光和住宿
- perrla : pupils equal,round reactive to light,accommdation,and consesus 瞳孔等大,等园,有对光调节和交感反应
- perrla : pupils equal,round,react to light and accommdation 瞳孔等大,有对光和调节反应
- PERRLA : Pupils Equally Round and Reactive to Light and Accommodation 小学生一样圆和无功光和住宿