SAFE相关缩略词条,共有 167 条。
- SAFE:Safety Analysis and Functional Evaluation (oil & gas) 安全分析和功能评价(石油和天然气)
- SAFE:Standard Approach for Evaluators (inspection compliance) 评审标准方法(检查合规)
- SAFE:San Andreas Fault Experiment :圣安地列斯断层的实验
- SAFE:Safety Actions for Europe 欧洲安全措施
- SAFE:Shores Action Force Eyes (Marion County, Florida) 海岸受力的眼睛(马里恩县,佛罗里达)
- SAFE:Secure Architecture for Enterprise 为企业的安全架构
- SAFE:Surgery, Antibiotics, Face Washing and Environmental Improvement (WHO) 手术、抗生素、洗过脸和环境改善(谁)
- SAFE:Secure Access Federal/State Exchange 联邦国家安全访问交流
- SAFE:Safe, Active, Family Environment 安全、活跃、家庭环境
- SAFE:Seniors Against Federal Extravagance 老年人对联邦政府的浪费
- SAFE:Selected Area For Evasion (combat search and rescue) 选定的区域为闪避(战斗搜寻和营救)
- SAFE:Strength Agility Flexibility Endurance (four areas of fitness) 强度耐力(四个地区敏捷灵活的状态)
- SAFE:Security Architecture for Enterprise 为企业的安全体系
- SAFE:Secure Authorized Foreign Employee 外国员工安全授权
- SAFE:Safety Awareness and Family Education 安全意识、家庭教育
- SAFE:Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways 高速公路和服务部门
- SAFE:Self-Abuse Finally Ends (anti-self-injury treatment & support organization) anti-self-injury自责下去最终结束的治疗和支持组织
- SAFE:South Africa, Far East (cable project) 南非、远东电缆计划()
- SAFE:Security, Automatic weapons, Fields of fire, Entrenchment 安全、自动武器的火力,壕沟
- SAFE:Santa Fe National Historic Trail (US National Park Service) 圣菲民族历史踪迹(美国国家公园服务)