SALSA相关缩略词条,共有 41 条。
- SALSA:SubAntroscopic Laterobasal Sinusfloor Augmentation SubAntroscopic Laterobasal Sinusfloor扩增
- SALSA:Student Alliance for Learning, Success and Achievement 学生联盟的学习能力、成功和成就
- SALSA:South African Longboard Surfing Association 南非的冲浪协会
- SalSA:Saltdome Shower Array (neutrino observatory) Saltdome淋浴阵列(中微子观测站)
- SALSA:Students Advocating Life Without Substance Abuse 学生崇尚生活没有物质滥用
- SALSA:Social Action & Leadership School for Activists (Washington, DC) 社会行为和领导学校的激进分子(华盛顿特区)
- SALSA:Semi Arid Land Surface Atmosphere 半干旱的陆地面积的氛围
- SALSA:Seek A Loving Saviour Always 找一个爱的救主
- SALSA:Student Association La Sierra Academy 学生会拉山脉
- SALSA:Spanish And Latin Student Association 西班牙和拉丁学生会
- SALSA:Simple Actor Language System And Architecture 简单的语言系统和建筑。演员
- SALSA:Spanish And Latin Students Association 西班牙和拉丁学生协会
- SALSA:System For Animating Lifelike Synthetic Actors 动画栩栩如生的综合系统的演员
- SALSA:Simplified Accounting And Logistics Software For Affiliates 会计和物流软件简化的子公司
- SALSA:Social Action League Spreading Awareness 社会行动联赛蔓延的意识
- SALSA:Satellite Automated Live Studio Assistant 卫星自动住工作室的助理
- SALSA:Stochastic Asset Liability Strategy Analysis 随机资产负债策略分析
- SALSA:The Salt And Light Student Association 盐和光学生会
- SALSA:Serve And Learn Student Association 服务和学习的学生协会
- SALSA:Sustainable Access To Leisure Sites And Amenities 进入网站和可持续发展休闲设施