经济管理类的词条,共有 3150 条。
- EOE:Equal Opportunity Employer 平等机会雇主
- FOUO:For Official Use Only 仅用于公事
- HAWB:House Air Waybill 航空托运单
- LTD:Limited 有限的,股份有限
- MSRP:Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price 厂商建议零售价
- PPT:Parts Per Trillion 万亿分之...
- QFD:Quality Function Deployment 品质机能展开
- SCM:Supply Chain Management 供应链管理体系
- TCO:Total Cost of Ownership 拥有总成本
- FV:Future Value 未来价值, 将来值, 后价, 终值
- CD:Certificate of Deposit 存单
- KW:Kilowatt 千瓦
- PC:Piece 片,块
- CFP:Certified Financial Planner 国际金融理财师
- GL:General Ledger 总分类帐
- PRM:Partner Relationship Management 伙伴关系管理
- SKU:Stock Keeping Unit 最小销售单元
- ATM:Automated Teller Machine 自动取款(出纳)机
- PMA:Positive Mental Attitude 积极心态
- RE:Real Estate 不动产