ISM相关缩略词条,共有 116 条。
- ISM:International Supply Management 国际供应链管理
- ISM:In Service Measurement 在服务测量
- ISM:Interactive Services Menu (interactive TV, WAP) 互动服务菜单(交互电视、WAP)
- ISM:Internet Service Manager (Microsoft) 网络服务经理(微软)
- ISM:In Samenwerking Met (Dutch) 在Samenwerking遇见(荷兰)
- ISM:Indian School of Mines (Dhabi, India) 印地安人学校(哈比,印度)
- ISM:International Sales Management, LLC (Indian Springs, AL) 国际销售管理有限公司(印度弹簧、铝)
- ISM:In-Store Marketing 店内营销
- ISM:Inventory Service Manager 库存服务经理
- ISM:Investment Simulation Model 投资的仿真模型
- ISM:I Sabotage Myself 我破坏自己
- ISM:International Student Ministries 国际学生
- ISM:Integrated Shadow Mask 综合荫罩
- ISM:Institute Safety Management 研究所的安全管理
- ISM:Intimate Shared Memory 亲密的共享内存
- ISM:Intelligence, Surveillance and Monitoring 智能、监视和监控
- ISM:Integrated Services Module 综合业务模块
- ISM:Integrated Supplier Management (Capability Maturity Model Integration) 集成供应商管理能力成熟度模型集成
- ISM:Internal Specifications Maintenance 内部规范维修
- ISM:Integrated System Management 集成系统管理