PRO相关缩略词条,共有 67 条。
- PRO:Prorate v. 比例分配, 分派
- PRO:Point de Raccordement Optique (France TELECOM) Raccordement观点Optique(法国电信)
- PRO:Philippine Ragnarok Online (gaming) 菲律宾Ragnarok在线(游戏)
- PRO:Patient Reported Outcome (clinical trial research) 病人的临床试验研究结果(报道)
- PRO:Planning and Reporting Officer 计划和报告军官
- PRO:Packet Re-Ordering 包前后次序
- PRO:Petrol Range Organics (environmental risk assessment) 汽油范围有机物(环境风险评价研究)
- PRO:Publication Requirement Officer 出版要求军官
- PRO:Preplanned Response Option 重新注意响应的选择
- PRO:Principal Race Officer (sailboat racing) 校长比赛官员(帆船竞赛)
- PRO:Progressive Rate Optimal 累进比率最佳
- PRO:Project Residence Office (US Coast Guard) 住宅项目办公室(美国海岸警卫队)
- PRO:Personnel Records On-Line 人事档案
- PRO:Public Records Office (British Archives) 公共记录办公室(英国档案)
- PRO:Programmed Reduction Objective(s) 减少目标程序(s)
- PRO:Proline (Amino Acid) 顺式脯氨酸(氨基酸)
- PRO:Plant Representative Office 植物代表处
- PRO:Protracted Refugee and Displaced Person Operations (until May 1998; see PRRO) 长期的难民和灾民的操作(直到1998年5月,看到PRRO)
- PRO:Prioritized Regional Objective 优先区域的目标
- PRO:Prepare, Read and Organize (reading process) 准备、阅读和组织(阅读过程)