RAC相关缩略词条,共有 141 条。
- RAC:Royal Arch Chapter (Freemasonry) 皇家拱章(共济会)
- RAC:Recuperation and Care Unit (FDNY) 调理和保健单位(FDNY)
- RAC:Regional Air Commander 地区空气的指挥官
- RAC:Rules of the Air and Traffic Services 规则和空中的交通服务
- RAC:Radar Azimuth Converter 雷达方位转换
- RAC:Request for Authority to Contract 请求权威的合同
- RAC:Reservation Against Cancellation (Indian railways reservation) 保留取消订房印铁(反对)
- RAC:Regional Adjudication Center (US immigration) 美国移民审理中心(地区)
- RAC:Radar Area Correlation 雷达区之间的相互关系
- RAC:Real Application Cluster 实际应用聚类
- RAC:Riverine Assault Craft 河流的突击工艺
- RAC:Reflexology Association of Canada (Winnipeg, MB, Canada) 加拿大的第二个协会,加拿大文尼派格、MB
- RAC:Air Post Postal Tax (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately) 空气后邮政税(斯科特目录前缀、集邮)
- RAC:Regional Audit Consultant 区域审计咨询
- RAC:Rehab and Care (FDNY unit) 恢复和护理(FDNY单位)
- RAC:Reference Air Concentration 参考掺气浓度
- RAC:Reno Assistance Center (Nevada, USA) 雷纳援助中心(美国)的内华达州
- RAC:Recent Average Credit (distributive computing) 最近的平均贷款(分配计算)
- RAC:Rubber Association of Canada 橡胶协会的加拿大人
- RAC:Routing and Access Controller (Telcordia) 路由和访问控制器(Telcordia)