SUV相关缩略词条,共有 50 条。
- SUV:Sons of Urban Virgin 城市的处女
- SUV:Supercharged Unstopable Vehicle 天知道铆足了劲
- SUV:Standard Uptake Value 标准吸收值
- SUV:Seriously Useful Vehicle 严重的有用的工具
- SUV:Silly Useless Value 愚蠢的无用的价值
- SUV:Supremely Unwieldly Vehicle Unwieldly无比
- SUV:Senseless Urban Vehicle 无聊城市机动车
- SUV:Smelly Utility Vehicle 臭的车
- SUV:Senseless Urban Vulgarity 无聊的城市
- SUV:Satanic Urban Vehicle 邪恶的城市机动车
- SUV:Stuck Up Vehicle 傲慢的车辆
- SUV:Son Of Ugh Vitch 儿子的头头的水沟
- SUV:Sheep United For Victory 曼联的胜利。羊
- SUV:Stupid Unsafe Vehicle 愚蠢的不安全的车辆
- SUV:Smart Utility Vehicle 聪明的车
- SUV:Slightly Upgraded Van 稍微升级
- SUV:Sport Utility Volvo 运动型多用途富豪
- SUV:Simply Useless Vehicle 只是无用的车辆
- SUV:Stylish Urban Vehicle 时尚的城市机动车
- SUV:Social Urban Vanity 社会城市的虚荣心