AAG相关缩略词条,共有 26 条。
- AAG:Anti-Aircraft Gun 高射炮
- AAG:Aeromedical Airlift Group Aeromedical空运集团
- AAG:AS/400 Advocacy Group (IBM AS/400 midrange system) AS / 400团体(IBM AS / 400中档系统)
- AAG:Association of American Geologists 协会的美国地质学家
- AAG:Army Artillery Group (Opposing Forces) 军队炮兵集团(兵力)
- AAG:Australian Association of Gerontology 澳大利亚协会老年学的
- AAG:Australian Acoustic Generator (minesweeping device) 澳大利亚的声波发生器(minesweeping装置)
- AAG:Assistant Attorney General 司法部长助理
- AAG:Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma 急性闭角型青光眼(眼科)
- AAG:Assistant Adjutant General 助理副官一般
- AAG:Association of American Geographers (Washington, DC) 地理(华盛顿特区)
- AAG:AsociaciÓn Argentina de Golf AsociaciÓn Argentina de Golf
- AAG:Affirmative Action Group (Zimbabwe) 积极行动小组(津巴布韦)
- AAG:AsociaciÓn Audubon de Guatemala (Audubon Association of Guatemala) AsociaciÓn Audubon de Guatemala (Audubon Association of Guatemala)
- AAG:Advanced Arresting Gear 先进的逮捕齿轮
- AAG:Association of Applied Geochemists 应用Geochemists协会
- AAG:At A Glance adv. 一看就(看一眼便)
- aag:autoantigen 自身抗原
- aag:albumin-agarose gel 白蛋白-琼脂糖凝胶
- aag:adenylyl adenylyl guanosine 腺苷酰腺苷酰鸟(嘌呤核)苷