AHO相关缩略词条,共有 14 条。
- AHO:Netherlands Antilles 荷属安的列斯
- AHO:Assisted Hand Off (cell phone technology) 辅助手(手机技术)
- AHO:Ausschuss der Verbände und Kammern der Ingenieure und Architekten fÜr die Honorarordnung eV (German: Committee of Engineer Associations and Boards of Engineers for Fee Structures for Architects and Engineers) Ausschuss der Verbände und Kammern der Ingenieure und Architekten fÜr die Honorarordnung eV (German: Committee of Engineer Associations and Boards of Engineers for Fee Structures for Architects and Engineers)
- AHO:Approval Holder Orientation 批准持有人取向
- AHO:Above Highest Obstacle 以上最高的障碍
- AHO:ArmÉe Hollondaise (French: Austrian Army; philatelic cancel mark) ArmÉe Hollondaise (French: Austrian Army; philatelic cancel mark)
- AHO:Albright Hereditary Osteodystrophy Albright遗传性骨营养不良
- AHO:Ayumi Hamasaki Online 天后滨崎步第二在线
- AHO:Ad-Hoc Overlay 特设的叠加
- AHO:Alghero, Sardinia, Italy - Fertilia (Airport Code) Alghero、撒丁岛,意大利- Fertilia(机场代码)
- AHO:Alabama Hospice Organization 阿拉巴马州的临终关怀组织
- AHO:Alghero, Italy Alghero意大利
- AHO:Albright's hereditary osteodystrophy 澳氏遗传性骨营养不良症
- AHO:Koninklikje Ahold, N. V. Koninklikje阿霍德:V