BACP的常用相关缩略词条,共有 2 条。
- BACP : British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
- BACP : Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol
BACP的其他相关缩略词条,共有 18 条。
- BACP:Broadcasting Authorization Control Protocol 广播授权控制协议
- BACP:Broadband Assign Control Protocol 带宽分配控制协议
- BACP:Balanced Academic Curriculum Problem 均衡的学术课程的问题
- BACP:British American Capital Partners 英国的美国资本合伙人
- BACP:Business Applications Certificate Program 商业应用的证书课程
- BACP:Buona Azione di Credito Parrocchiale Buona Parrocchiale Azione迪接受信用卡
- BACP:Broxtowe Active Community Project Broxtowe活跃的社区计划
- BACP:Buenos Aires Capital Partners SA 布宜诺斯艾利斯资金夥伴山
- BACP:Bend Association of Childcare Professionals (Bend, Oregon) 幼教专业人员协会(弯曲弯曲,俄勒冈州)
- BACP:Brigade Autonome de Chasseurs de Podhale Autonome德Chasseurs德Podhale之旅
- BACP:Bay Area Construction Program 海湾地区的施工方案
- BACP:Banc America Capital Partners 美国投资银行
- BACP:Black and Asian Community Project 黑色和亚洲社区计划
- BACP:Bishop��s Adviser for Child Protection 主教的顾问给孩子起保护作用
- BACP:Best Available Control Process 最好的控制过程
- BACP:Buddhist Association of Central Pennsylvania 佛教协会宾西法尼亚州
- BACP:Barnsley Association of Community Partnerships (UK) 巴恩斯利协会合作伙伴(英国)
- BACP:Bridlington Active Citizenship Project Bridlington活跃的公民的项目