CORE的常用相关缩略词条,共有 1 条。
- CORE : Congress Of Racial Equality
CORE的其他相关缩略词条,共有 19 条。
- CORE:Conflict Resolution (US Department of the Interior) (我们部门解决冲突的室内)
- CORE:Committee Organizing Rape Education 委员会组织强奸的教育
- CORE:Configuration Resource 配置资源
- CORE:Chemistry Online Retrieval Experiment 化学联机检索实验
- CORE:China Open Resources for Education 中国开放式教育资源共享协会
- CORE:Controlled Requirement Expression (software) 控制条件表达式(软件)
- CORE:Contingency Response Program 应急反应程序
- CORE:Cosmic Orgone Engineering 宇宙Orgone工程
- CORE:Cadre Of Response Employees (FEMA) 干部职工的反应(FEMA)
- CORE:Center For Outcomes Research And Evaluation 结果研究中心和评价
- CORE:Central Office for Resources in Education 在教育资源中心办公室
- CoRE:Community of Roleplayers, Europa (gaming group) 社区的玩家,欧罗巴(游戏组)
- CORE:Center for Oceanic Research and Education 海洋研究中心和教育
- CORE:Commercial Operators Rate Equity 商业操作速率股权
- CORE:Clarify Organize Reflect Evaluate 明确反映评估组织
- CORE:Corporate Responsibility Bill (UK) “企业责任法案(英国)
- CORE:Council Of Registrars 委员会登记
- CORE:Co-Ownership of Real Estate 共有的不动产
- CORE:College Opportunity Resources For Education 大学教育资源的机会