FRAC的常用相关缩略词条,共有 2 条。
- FRAC : The Food Research And Action Center
词条简介:The Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) is a leading national organization working to improve public policies to eradicate hunger and undernutrition in the United States.
- FRAC : Fractionator Reflux Analog Computer
FRAC的其他相关缩略词条,共有 11 条。
- FRAC:Food Research and Action Center 食品研究中心和行动
- FRAC:Foreseeable Risk Analysis Center 可预见的风险分析中心
- FRAC:Frame Aligner Circuit 帧同步电路
- FRAC:Fall River Animal Clinic 倒河动物诊所
- FRAC:Franchise Action Committee (Cape Town, South Africa) 特许行动委员会(南非开普敦)
- FRAC:First Responder Authentication Credential 认证证书情况
- FRAC:Fleet Replacement Aircrewman Aircrewman舰队更换
- FRAC:Force Readiness Assessment to Congress 准备向国会评估力量
- FRAC:Francophone Regional Advisory Committee 法语地区谘询委员会
- FRAC:Framework Requirements and Criteria 框架的要求和标准
- FRAC:Frequency, Recency, Amount, And Category 频率、近因、金额、范畴