JBS的常用相关缩略词条,共有 2 条。
- JBS : Japanese Biochemical Society
词条简介:The Japanese Biochemical Society (JBS) was established in 1925, and joined to the Japan Medical Society in 1926. It became an incorporated association in 1965. This society has a membership of 13,058 in 2001, consisting of biochemists and molecular biologists.
- JBS : Journal of Biomolecular Screening
JBS的其他相关缩略词条,共有 18 条。
- JBS:Journal of Biological Systems 生物系统的杂志
- JBS:Janashakti Bank Societies Janashakti银行协会
- JBS:Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 生物统计》
- JBS:Journal of Biosocial Science Biosocial科学杂志
- JBS:Job Breakdown Structure 工作分解结构
- JBS:Journal of Business Strategies 杂志的商业策略
- JBS:John Birch Society 约翰·柏奇会-----美国一个保守的反共团体
- JBS:Johanson-Blizzard Syndrome 约-布二氏异常, 先天性多发性异常:包括胰腺脂过多症、软骨发育不良、肛门闭锁、头发生长异常等
- JBS:Journal of British Studies 《不列颠研究杂志》
- JBS:Joint Base Station 联合基地台
- JBS:Jacobsen Syndrome Jacobsen综合症
- JBS:Journal of Burma Studies 缅甸的杂志
- JBS:Jamaica Bureau of Standards 牙买加的标准
- JBS:Journal of Biblical Studies 《圣经》杂志的研究
- JBS:Jane Brooks School (Oklahoma, USA) 简·布鲁克斯学校(俄克拉何马州,美国)
- JBS:Johnson Behavioral System 约翰逊的行为
- JBS:Jones Business Systems 琼斯商业系统
- JBS:Job Binding Services 装订服务工作