LAMP相关缩略词条,共有 42 条。
- LAMP:Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl 实话实说,PHP / MySQL的,没有鞍鞯、蟒蛇/图形
- LAMP:Low Altitude Mapping and Photography 低海拔映射和摄影
- LAMP:Low-level Airspace Management Plan 低空空域管理计划
- LAMP:Latin American Microform Project 拉丁美洲的Microform项目
- LAMP:Livelihood and Micro Finance Promotion (Fund) 生活和微观金融促销(基金)
- LAMP:Louisiana Asset Management Pool 路易斯安那州的资产管理池
- LAMP:Lighthouse Archaeological Maritime Program (St. Augustine, FL) 灯塔在海上计划(圣考古。奥古斯汀,高度层)
- LAMP:Logistics Automation Master Plan 物流自动化规划
- LAMP:Library Access to Music Project (MIT) 图书馆进入音乐项目(麻省理工学院)
- LAMP:Los Angeles Mentoring Project 洛杉矶辅导计画
- LAMP:Lagrangian Measurement Platform 拉格朗日法测量平台
- LAMP:Lysosome-Associated Membrane Protein Lysosome-Associated膜蛋白
- LAMP:Legal Age Meeting Points 法定年龄会议要点
- LAMP:Large Advanced Mirror Program 大型高级镜面程序
- LAMP:Local Anaesthetic, Manipulation and Plaster 局部麻醉,操作和灰泥
- LAMP:Lay Apostolic Ministries with the Poor (New York City Catholic Service Ministry) 同工奠定来(纽约天主教服务部门)
- LAMP:Locally Advanced Multimodality Protocol 多重中晚期议定书
- LAMP:Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification (nucleic acid amplification method) 环介导的等温放大(核酸扩增法)
- LAMP:Logistics Assessment Methodology Prototype 物流进行综合评价的方法原型
- LAMP:Location Aware MAC Protocol 意识到MAC协议的位置