LANA的常用相关缩略词条,共有 2 条。
- LANA : Local Area Network Adapter
- LANA : Lymphology Association of North America
LANA的其他相关缩略词条,共有 18 条。
- LANA:Local Authorities Needs Analysis 地方当局需求分析
- LANA:Louisiana Association of Nurse Anesthetists 路易斯安那州的Anesthetists护士协会
- LANA:Lithuanian Association of Nonlinear Analysts 立陶宛协会的非线性分析
- LANA:Local Area Network Architecture 本地区网络结构
- LANA:Latino, Native American Alumni 拉丁美洲人,印地安人的校友
- LANA:Lipper Analytical New Application 里浦分析的新应用
- LANA:Lakeview Area Neighborhood Association (Lakewood, Washington) Lakewood湖地区附近协会(华盛顿)
- LANA:Louisiana Aging Network Association, Inc. 路易斯安那州的网络协会有限公司老化
- LANA:Locust Avenue Neighborhood Association 蝗虫大道附近的协会
- LANA:Lyre Association of North America (Silver Spring, MD) 北美的琴联合会(银泉,MD)
- LANA:Ligand-Assisted Nucleophilic Addition 除了Ligand-Assisted亲
- LANA:Lipizzan Association of North America Lipizzan北美协会
- LANA:Latency-Associated Nuclear Antigen Latency-Associated核抗原
- LANA:Laotian American National Alliance 美国国家联盟。寮国
- LANA:Laksam Association North America Laksam协会北美
- LANA:Loxahatchee Area Nursery Association (Florida) Loxahatchee区苗圃协会(佛罗里达)
- LANA:Low-Altitude Night Attack 低空夜袭击
- LANA:Language Access for New Americans 美国语言获得新的