LBP相关缩略词条,共有 29 条。
- LBP:Laser Beam Printer 激光打印机
- LBP:Low Back Pain 腰(背)痛
- LBP:Link Bus Protocol 链路总线协议
- LBP:Land Bank of the Philippines 菲律宾的土地
- LBP:Life Business Projects Pvt Ltd (New Delhi, India) 生活经营项目Pvt Ltd是一家(新德里,印度)
- LBP:Louisiana Board of Pharmacy 路易斯安那州的
- LBP:Low Blood Pressure 低血压
- LBP:Length Between Perpendiculars 两柱间长
- LBP:Lipopolysaccharide-Binding Protein Lipopolysaccharide-Binding蛋白质
- LBP:Local Business Process(es) (US Army Corps of Engineers) 当地的业务流程(es)(人员)
- LBP:Lower Boundary Point 较低的边界点
- LBP:Local Backprojection 当地Backprojection
- LBP:Linux Business Pavilion (COMDEX) Linux商业亭(COMDEX)
- LBP:Little Big Planet (game) (比赛)的小星球
- LBP:Lester B. Pearson (High School) 雷斯特b皮尔森(高中)
- LBP:Low Blood Protein 低血红蛋白
- LBP:Land-Based Prototype 陆基原型
- LBP:Lead-Based Paint 含铅油漆
- LBP:Lebanon Pound (Currency Unit, ISO) 黎巴嫩磅(货币单位、国际标准化组织(ISO)
- LBP:Low Back Pressure (compressors) 露背压(压缩机)