PACER的常用相关缩略词条,共有 2 条。
- PACER : Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations
- PACER : Public Access to Court Electronic Records
PACER的其他相关缩略词条,共有 11 条。
- PACER:Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run 有氧心血管耐力跑。进步
- PACER:Process Acquisition, Characterization and Enhancement Ring 过程中采集、表征及增强戒指
- PACER:Police Anti-Crime and Emergency Response 警察Anti-Crime和应急反应
- PACER:Nickname for USAF AFLC Programs 美国空军AFLC”节目
- PACER:Preparedness and Catastrophic Event Response (US Department of Homeland Security & Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory) 事件反应和悲惨事件(美国国土安全部门和约翰·霍普金斯大学应用物理学实验室)
- PACER:Product Acquisition Consumption and Evaluation Review (Patrick E. Carroll & Associates, Inc) 产品采集消费和评估检讨(帕特里克·e卡罗尔和员工,公司)
- PACER:Post-Operational Analysis Critique & Exercise Review Post-Operational分析批判和锻炼审查
- PACER:Priorities for Application of COMSEC Equipment Resources COMSEC优先适用的设备资源
- PACER:Program Assisted Console Evaluation Review 评估审查程序辅助主机
- PACER:Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights 家长宣传联盟为受教育的权利
- PACER:Payments, Claims, and Enhanced Reconciliation 付款,声称,增强了和解