PEG相关缩略词条,共有 59 条。
- PEG:Promoting Electronic Government 推进电子政务
- PEG:Public Education and Government 公共教育和政府
- PEG:Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrotomy 经内窥镜Gastrotomy
- PEG:Percutaneous Exterior Gastrostomy 经皮表面胃造瘘喂养显著
- PEG:Professional Emphasis Group 专业的重点
- PEG:Professional Engagement Group 职业接触组
- PEG:Professional Experts Group 专业的专家小组
- PEG:Perugia, Italy 意大利佩鲁贾
- PEG:Political Economic, and Government 政治经济和政府
- PEG:Progression Elevated Gene 进展高架基因
- PEG:Participation Education Group 参与教育集团
- PEG:Price Earnings Growth 价格收益增长
- PEG:Perform, Excel, and Grow 执行,Excel和成长
- PEG:Public, Education, and Government Access cable channels 公共教育、政府访问有线电视频道
- PEG:Pretty Excellent Guy 相当出色的家伙
- PEG:Professional Emergency Geese 专业的紧急鹅
- PEG:Paper Exchange Group 论文交流组
- PEG:Pinnacle Entertainment Group 顶峰公司的娱乐集团
- PEG:Pursuit Evasion Game 追求逃税的游戏