P&S的常用相关缩略词条,共有 2 条。
- P&S : Permanent and Stationary
- P&S : Products & Services
P&S的其他相关缩略词条,共有 18 条。
- P&S:Point and Shoot (camera) 点和射击(相机)
- P&S:Pre-1954 Standard (vs. Widescreen) Pre-1954标准。宽银幕
- P&S:Port & Starboard 港口和右
- P&S:Primary and Secondary 主要和次要的
- P&S:Polls & Surveys 民意测验和调查
- P&S:Procurement and Supply 采购与供应
- P&S:Pittsburgh and Shawmut Railroad Company (also abbreviated as PS) 匹兹堡,Shawmut铁路公司(简称注)
- P&S:Plain and Simple 简单
- P&S:Principles and Standards (USACE) 原则和标准(USACE)
- P&S:Publish & Subscribe 出版和订阅
- P&S:Plans and Specifications (USACE) 计划和规格(USACE)
- P&S:Purchase and Sale (trading) 购买和销售(交易)
- P&S:Planning and Scheduling 计划和安排
- P&S:Procedures and Systems 程序和系统
- P&S:Physicians and Surgeons (Columbia University) 医生和外科医生(哥伦比亚大学)
- P&S:Pan-And-Scan (movie formats) Pan-And-Scan(电影格式)
- P&S:Physics and Society 物理学和社会
- P&S:Production and Surveillance (US DOE) 生产和监控(美国DOE)