P/S的常用相关缩略词条,共有 1 条。
- P/S : Power Steering
中文全称:n. 动力方向盘
P/S的其他相关缩略词条,共有 18 条。
- P/S:Process/Status 工艺/地位
- P/S:photo sample 照相样
- P/S:Poisson/Superfish (RF cavity accelerator) Superfish(RF腔松/加速器)
- p/s:power seats 电力座位
- P/S:Probability of Success 成功几率
- P/S:Power Supply n. 电源
- P/S:Pilot Station 领航站
- P/S:Packet Switch 包交换
- P/S:Port/Starboard 左/右舷
- P/S:Price/Sales Ratio 价格/销售比率
- P/S:Price to Sales Ratio (Compare P/E price to earnings ratio in financial circles.) 价格销售比率(比较P / E价格指数在金融界。)
- P/S:Platoon/Section 排/部分
- P/S:Parallel to Serial (converter) 并联变频器系列()
- P/S:polyunsaturated-to-saturated(fatty acids ratio) 多不饱和脂肪酸/饱和脂肪酸比率
- p/s:periods per second 赫兹,周/秒
- P/S:post scriptum p.s., P.S.
- P/S:postscript n. 附笔
- P/S:Price-to-sales ratio 比较乘数比