SABER相关缩略词条,共有 13 条。
- SABER:Student Advocates for Business and Environmental Responsibility 学生对商业和提倡责任心
- SABER:Sounding of the Atmosphere Using Broadband Emission Radiometry 利用宽带上网,Radiometry排放大气
- SABER:Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometers 利用宽带上网,排放大气辐射仪
- SABER:Nickname for HQ USAF Programs Usually to Evaluate New Systems 美国空军总部的别名,评估程序通常新系统
- SABER:Sales Administrative Business Empowerment Resource 销售行政商务授权的资源
- SABER:Sales and Business Enterprise Reporting 销售和企业的报告
- SABER:Simplified Acquisition of Base Engineer Requirements 简化采集的基础工程的要求
- SABER:Swing Arm Beam Erector 摆臂梁的建设者
- SABER:Situational Awareness Beacon with Reply 环境意识信标和回复
- SABER:Semiautomatic Business Reservation Environment 半自动业务预约的环境
- SABER:Surface Analysis Branch for Evaluation and Reporting (US DoD) 评估和分析部门汇报(美国国防部)
- SABER:Schlumberger Advanced Business Engineering Resources 先进的企业工程资源
- SABER:Scientifically Advanced Bureau For Espionage And Research 先进的科学和研究工作。谍报局