SEM相关缩略词条,共有 99 条。
- SEM:Slow Eye Movements 缓慢的眼球运动
- SEM:Solar Environmental Monitor 太阳能环境监测
- SEM:Standard Electronic/Equipment Module 标准的电子/设备模块
- SEM:Singularity Expansion Method 扩展方法性
- SEM:Softcopy Exploitation Management 开发管理。软
- SEM:Service Element Management (Sprint) 服务元素管理(冲刺)
- SEM:Systems Engineering Manager 系统工程经理
- SEM:Space Experiment Module 太空实验模块
- SEM:Society for Experimental Methods 社会的实验方法
- SEM:Strategic Environmental Management 战略环境管理
- SEM:Simulation, Engineering, and Modeling 仿真,工程和建模
- SEM:Sound and Efficient Management (EU) 声音和高效的管理(欧盟)
- SEM:Standard Equipment Modules 标准配置模块
- SEM:Spherical Earth Model 球形的地球的模型
- SEM:Sensitivity Equation Method 灵敏度方程的方法
- SEM:System Engineering and Modeling 系统工程和建模
- SEM:Synthetic Execution Model 合成的执行模式
- SEM:Standard Extrapolation Method 标准的两种方法
- SEM:Evangelical Seminary of Madrid 福音神学的马德里
- SEM:Synchronization Element Manager (Datum) 经理(数据)的元素同步