SEM相关缩略词条,共有 99 条。
- SEM:Search Engine Marketing 搜索引擎营销
- SEM:Scanning Electron Microscope 扫描电子显微镜
- SEM:Senior Engineering Manager 高级工程经理
- SEM:Semicarbazide 氨基脲
- SEM:Seminary 神学院, 学校, 学院, 发源地
- SEM:Systems Engineering Management 系统工程管理
- SEM:Software Engineering and Middleware 软件工程、中间件
- SEM:Subsea Electronics Module 海电子模块
- SEM:System Engineering Methodology 系统工程方法论
- SEM:spherical environment mapping 球形环境映射
- SEM:Specification Exception Material 规格例外的材料
- SEM:Standard Error of the Means 标准错误的方式
- SEM:Site Engineering and Maintenance (Department) 现场工程和维修(部门)
- SEM:SQL Enterprise Manager (Microsoft client for SQL Server) 微软公司经理SQL的客户提供SQL服务器
- SEM:Spectral Element Method 光谱法
- SEM:Services Execution Management 执行管理服务
- SEM:Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc. 社会对实验力学有限公司创立于1996年
- SEM:Search-Engine Marketing 搜索引擎营销
- SEM:Sports & Entertainment Marketing 运动和娱乐市场
- SEM:System Engineering Manual 系统工程手册