SIC相关缩略词条,共有 153 条。
- SIC:Standard Industrial Classification 标准产业分类
- Sic:[not an acronym] Latin: thus; so (not a mistake and is to be read as it stands) 的缩写词][不是如此,所以拉丁语:没有错误,是被读,它代表
- SiC:Silicon Carbide 碳化硅
- SIC:Spacecraft Identification Code 宇宙飞船识别代码
- SIC:Shetland Islands Council 喜乐蒂岛理事会
- SIC:The Shareware Industry Conference 世界共享软件产业大会
- SIC:Standing Interpretation Committee(IASC) IASC(国际会计准则委员会)常设解释委员会
- SIC:Successive Interference Cancellation 串行干扰消除
- SIC:Silicon Integrated Circuit 硅集成电路
- SIC:Semiconductor Integrated Circuit 半导体集成电路
- SIC:Sector Interface Card 扇区接口卡
- SIC:Soft Interference Cancellation 柔软的干扰对消
- SIC:SocietÀ Italiana di Chirurgia SocietÀ Italiana di Chirurgia
- SIC:Shareware Industry Conference 共享软件行业的会议
- SIC:State Investment Corporation 国家投资公司
- SIC:Siecor (optical cable) Siecor(光缆)
- SIC:Sisters in Crime 相较于犯罪
- SIC:Sprint Internet Center 网络中心的冲刺
- SIC:Semaine Internationale du Cerveau (French) Semaine杜Cerveau(法国)国际
- SIC:SocietÀ Italiana di Cardiologia SocietÀ Italiana di Cardiologia