SOT的常用相关缩略词条,共有 2 条。
- SOT : Society of Toxicology
词条简介:The Society of Toxicology is a professional and scholarly organization of scientists from academic institutions, government, and industry representing the great variety of scientists who practice toxicology in the U.S. and abroad. The Society promotes the acquisition and utilization of knowledge in toxicology, aids in the protection of public health, and facilitates disciplines. The Society has a strong commitment to education in toxicology and to the recruitment of students and new members into the profession.
- SOT : Small-Outline Transistor
SOT的其他相关缩略词条,共有 18 条。
- SOT:Serialization Order Timestamp 串行顺序戳
- SOT:Send Only Terminal 将终端
- SOT:Selected Orders of Tribunal 法庭命令的选择
- SOT:Science Operations Time 科学操作时间
- SOT:State of Technology 国家的技术
- SOT:Short of Time 短的时间
- SOT:Special Operations Team 特别行动小组
- Sot:Solvang (Danish railway station) (丹麦火车站香醇)
- SOT:Stone of Tears (book) 石头泪(书)
- SOT:Section Operating Technician (Bosch) 部分操作人员博世
- SOT:System Operability Test 系统可操作性测试
- SOT:Sold Out of Trust 售出的信任
- SOT:Service Occupation Tax (Illinois, USA) 服务职业税(美国伊利诺州)
- SOT:Spiral Orbit Tribometer Tribometer螺旋轨道
- SOT:Systems Operation Test/Testing 系统运行测试/检测
- SOT:Structural Operations Technology 结构性作业技术
- SOT:self-observed therapy self-observed疗法
- SOT:Special Occupational Taxpayer (US ATF) 特殊职业纳税人(我们)ATF