TLE的常用相关缩略词条,共有 2 条。
- TLE : Time Limit Exceeded
词条简介:国际大学生程序设计竞赛(ACM/ICPC)中的常见错误:超出时间限制。是由于你的程序运行时间超过题目所限制的时间所引起的。Your program tried to run during too much time.
- TLE : Technology and Livelihood Education
TLE的其他相关缩略词条,共有 18 条。
- tle:temporal lobe epilepsy 颞叶癫痫
- TLE:The Learning Equation 学习方程
- TLE:Track Localization Error 跟踪定位误差
- TLE:The Leading Edge 领先的地位
- TLE:Taxe Locale d'Équipement (French: special local construction tax) Taxe Locale d'Équipement (French: special local construction tax)
- TLE:Target Location Error 目标位置误差
- TLE:Transfer Line Exchanger 转油线换热器
- TLE:Thin-Layer Electrophoresis 薄层电泳(法)
- TLE:Temporary Lodging Expense 临时住宿费用
- TLE:Traffic Law Enforcement (police) 交通执法(警方)
- TLE:Traffic Logging Equipment 流量测井设备
- TLE:The Long Emergency (book by Jim Kunstler) 漫长的紧急(本书叫吉姆Kunstler)
- TLE:Transponder-Lightpath Edge Transponder-Lightpath边
- TLE:Thomas Lake Elementary (Eagan, MN) 小学(Eagan托马斯湖,锰)
- TLE:Travel Lines Express 旅游线路表达
- TLE:Type Load Editor (transportation) 型负载编辑器(交通)
- TLE:Temperature-Limited Emission Temperature-Limited发射
- TLE:Threaded Large End 螺纹大结局