APDA相关缩略词条,共有 33 条。
- APDA:Arctic Precipitation Data Archive 北极的降水资料档案
- APDA:Androgynous Peripheral Docking Adapter 中性周边对接接头上
- APDA:Association for Persons with Disabilities in Agriculture 残疾人联合会在农业
- APDA:Academic and Professional Development Advising 学术和专业发展的建议
- APDA:Afar Pastoralists Development Association 阿法尔族牧羊人发展协会
- APDA:Adult Psychopathology and Disorders of Aging (US NIH) 成人精神病学和混乱的老化(美国国家卫生研究院(NIH))
- APDA:Alabama Pediatric Dental Association 阿拉巴马州儿童牙科协会
- APDA:Anomalous Propagation Detection Algorithm (fuzzy logic algorithm) 异常传播检测算法(模糊算法)
- APDA:Atmospheric Pre-corrected Differential Absorption 大气Pre-corrected微分的吸收
- APDA:Afghan Peace and Democracy Act 阿富汗和平与民主的行为
- APDA:Association of Peyronie's Disease Advocates Peyronie协会的疾病
- APDA:Application Driven Architecture 应用驱动架构
- APDA:All Pakistan Danger Association 所有的巴基斯坦危险协会