BOP的常用相关缩略词条,共有 2 条。
- BOP : Bit-Oriented Protocol
- BOP : Bureau Of Prisons
BOP的其他相关缩略词条,共有 18 条。
- BOP:blowout preventer 封井器
- BOP:Broken Orange Peoke 碎橙白毫
- BOP:Beginning Of Packet 分组信息开始
- BOP:Budget Operating Plan 经营计划的预算
- BoP:Base of the Pyramid 金字塔的基础
- BOP:Blowout Prevention (oil-gas industry) 爆裂预防(油气业)
- BOP:Block of Packets 包块
- BOP:Brotherhood of Pain (gaming clan) 手足痛(游戏族)
- BOP:Buick Oldsmobile Pontiac 别克Oldsmobile Pontiac
- BOP:Blowout Preventer (oil industry) 防油产业
- BOP:Balance Of Payments 贸易支付差额
- BOP:Balance Of Power n. 力量均势
- BOP:Bottom of Pipe [化] 管底
- BOP:Beginning of Period 期初
- BOP:Bird of Prey 猛禽类
- BOP:Burden of Proof 提供证明的责任
- BOP:Bill of Particulars 明细单
- BOP:Byte-Oriented Protocol 面向字节协议