DOB相关缩略词条,共有 35 条。
- DOB:Do Object to Bullies 做反对霸王
- DOB:Division of Banks 银行的分裂
- DOB:Delete-O-Bomb (forum moderator removes post) Delete-O-Bomb论坛版主删除贴()
- DOB:Dirty Old Bastard 肮脏的旧的混蛋
- DOB:Damenoberbekleidung (German retail women's clothing) Damenoberbekleidung(德国零售女装)
- DOB:Don't Obey Bullies 不要听从欺负
- DOB:Debt of Bones (Terry Goodkind book) 特里Goodkind债务的骨头(书)
- dob:doctor's order book 医嘱簿
- dob:dobutamine 多巴酚丁胺
- dob:4-bromo-2,5-dimethoay-amphetamine 4-溴-2,5-二甲氧基苯异丙胺
- dob:dangle out of bed 高床悬吊
- dob:dental open bite 牙开牙合
- DOB:Do Our Best conj. 竭尽所能(尽力)
- DOB:Duplication of Benefits (FEMA) 重复的利益(FEMA)
- DOB:Depth Of Burst 深度的破裂