GTI的常用相关缩略词条,共有 2 条。
- GTI : Gas Technology Institute
词条简介:The Gas Technology Institute (GTI) is the leading research, development and training organization serving energy and environmental markets. GTI is dedicated to meeting the nation’s energy and environmental challenges by developing technology-based solutions for consumers, industry, and government.
- GTI : Government Training Institute, Inc. (Idaho, USA)
GTI的其他相关缩略词条,共有 18 条。
- GTI:Government Telecommunications, Incorporated 政府通讯、相互融合
- GTI:Ground Test Instrumentation 地面检测仪器
- GTI:GPS Timing Interfaces (Sprint) GPS定时接口(冲刺)
- GTI:Global Taxonomy Initiative 全球分类学主动权
- GTI:Göteborgs Tekniska Institut (Swedish: The Technical Institute of Gothenburg) Göteborgs Tekniska Institut (Swedish: The Technical Institute of Gothenburg)
- GTI:Grand Touring Injection 大旅游注射
- GTI:Galway Technical Institute 高威技术学院
- GTI:Guilford Transportation Industries 吉尔福德运输等行业
- GTI:Group Travel Insurance 团体旅游保险
- GTI:Ground Transport Interchange (airports) 地面交通交汇处(机场)
- GTI:Guelph Turfgrass Institute 圭尔夫草坪
- GTI:Global Title Indicator (SS7 SCCP) 全球标题指示器(SS7 SCCP)
- GTI:Groep Technische Installaties (Dutch company) 在Installaties Groep(荷兰公司)
- GTI:Gires Tournois Interferometer 作者Tournois干涉
- GTI:Global Trade Information Services, Inc 全球贸易信息服务有限公司创立于1996年
- GTI:Green Theme International 绿色的主题
- GTI:Group Term Insurance 学期团体保险
- GTI:Government Technology International 政府科技国际