IFF的常用相关缩略词条,共有 1 条。
- IFF : Identification, Friend or Foe
IFF的其他相关缩略词条,共有 19 条。
- IFF:Interchange File Format 文件交换格式
- IFF:Intergovernmental Forum on Forests 政府间森林问题论坛
- IFF:Identification Friend Or Foe 敌我识别
- IFF:International Flying Farmers 国际飞行的农民
- IFF:International Finance Facility 国际金融工具
- IFF:If and Only If 当且仅当
- IFF:International Film Festival 国际电影节
- IFF:Image File Format 图像文件格式
- IFF:Iraq Freedom Fund 伊拉克自由的基金
- IFF:Industrial Funding Fee 产业基金的费用
- IFF:I Feel Fine (Beatles song) 我觉得很好(披头士乐队歌曲)
- IFF:Indice Di FunzionalitÀ Fluviale (Italian: River Functionality Index) Indice Di FunzionalitÀ Fluviale (Italian: River Functionality Index)
- IFF:Information Flow Framework Language 信息流程框架的语言
- IFF:Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals (US Air Force flight training) 介绍美国空军的战斗机基本面(培训)
- IFF:International Floorball Federation (Helsinki, Finland) 国际Floorball联合会(芬兰赫尔辛基)
- IFF:Intrastate Funding Formula Intrastate资助的公式
- IFF:International Food Festival 国际美食节
- IFF:Interferon Fibroblast 成纤维细胞干扰素
- IFF:International Flavors and Fragrances 国际香料及香精