OED相关缩略词条,共有 20 条。
- OED:Oxford English Dictionary 牛津英语大辞典
- OED:Original Effective Date (health insurance) 原生效日期(医疗保险)
- OED:Oil Energy Downstream 石油能源下游
- OED:Olje- og Energidepartementet (Norwegian: Ministry of Petroleum and Energy) Olje -噩Energidepartementet(挪威的石油和能量。)
- OED:Optical Edge Device 光学边装置
- OED:Operations Evaluation Department 业务评估部门
- OED:Operational Effectiveness Demonstration 作战效能的示威游行
- OED:Office of Economic Development 办公室的经济发展
- OED:Opto-Electronic Device 光电子器件
- OED:Old English Dictionary 古英语词典
- OED:Oracle Energy Downstream 甲骨文能量的下游
- OED:Operational Environment Documentation 操作环境文档
- OED:Ogretim Elemanlari Dernegi Ogretim Elemanlari Dernegi
- OED:Oxidation Enhanced Diffusion 氧化增强扩散
- OED:Operational Evaluation Demonstration 运行评价示范
- OED:Office of Enrollment and Discipline 招生办公室和纪律
- OED:Office of the Executive Director 办公室的行政主管
- OED:Offer Expiration Date 报价有效期
- OED:OSIS Evolutionary Development OSIS演化发展
- OED:oxyethylene docosanol 羟乙基二十二烷醇