PBS相关缩略词条,共有 122 条。
- PBS:Public Broadcasting Service 公共广播事务局
- PBS:Preferential Bidding System 优惠招投标制度
- PBS:Performance Based Standards 基于绩效标准
- PBS:Phosphate Buffered Saline 磷酸盐缓冲盐水
- PBS:Payroll Benefit Services 工资利益服务
- PBS:Product Breakdown Structure 产品结构细分
- PBS:phosphate belanced solution 磷酸缓冲液
- PBS:Butadine styrene Copolymer 丁二烯—苯乙烯共聚物
- PBS:Permanent Building Society (Australia) 永久性建筑协会(澳大利亚)
- PBS:Patient Business Services 病人的商业服务
- PBS:Pre Boarding Screening (travel) 前登机筛查(旅游)
- PBS:Prosodic Boundary Strength (speech processing, perceptual boundary between two words) 韵律的边界力量(语音处理、感性的边界两个字)
- PBS:Process-Based Security (Systems Advisory Group Enterprises, Inc.) 基于过程的安全系统咨询集团企业公司
- PBS:Preferential Bidding by Seniority 以优惠招标工作年资
- PBS:Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (Australia) 药品福利计划(澳大利亚)
- PBS:Pakistan Botanical Society 巴基斯坦植物的社会
- PBS:Principles of Biomedical Science (University of Melbourne course) 医学科学原理(墨尔本大学课程)
- PBS:Philippine Broadcasting Services 菲律宾广播服务
- PBS:Paul Brown Stadium (Cincinnati Bengals football stadium) 保罗·布朗体育场(辛辛那提猛虎给予一足球场)
- PBS:Portable Batch System 便携式配料系统