VBL的常用相关缩略词条,共有 2 条。
- VBL : Vedros Bioscience Laboratories
- VBL : Ventur Business Laboratory
词条简介:The Venture Business Laboratory (VBL) was established in 1995 as a common facility for the Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Science, Graduate School of Biosphere Science and Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matters. VBL conducts research and education dedicated to these Graduate Schools for the purpose of developing entrepreneurship in students and creating the seeds for venture business through original research.
VBL的其他相关缩略词条,共有 13 条。
- VBL:Variant Batch Loader 变体批量装载机
- VBL:VSNL Broadband Ltd. VSNL宽带有限公司
- VBL:Virtual Biology Laboratory 虚拟生物实验室
- VBL:Values Based Leadership 价值观为基础的领导
- VBL:Visible Bra Line 可见的胸罩
- VBL:Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder (Occupational pension, Germany) Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder (Occupational pension, Germany)
- VBL:Verband Bayerischer Lokalrundfunk (Germany) Bayerischer德国焊接学会Lokalrundfunk()
- VBL:Vertical Bloch Line (Memory Device) 记忆装置(垂直布洛赫)
- VBL:Virtual Baseball League 虚拟棒球联盟
- VBL:Visual Basic Language 视觉语言
- VBL:Voyager Biological Laboratory 旅行者的生物实验室
- VBL:Vanik Bangladesh Limited Vanik孟加拉有限
- VBL:Vertical Blanking Level 垂直裁级