OET的常用相关缩略词条,共有 2 条。
- OET : Occupational English Test
词条简介:The Occupational English Test (OET) is a language test for overseas qualified medical and health professionals whose first language is not English. Currently, it assesses English language competency as it is used in medical and health professions in Australia and is adaptable as language competency testing model for other professions.
- OET : Office of Economic Transition
OET的其他相关缩略词条,共有 11 条。
- OET:Overhead Electric Traveling (crane) (起重机电气旅游开销)
- OET:Oil Export Terminal 石油出口的终端
- OET:Office of Engineering and Technology (FCC) 办公室的工程技术(FCC)
- OET:Oxford Ethical Trading Ltd (UK) 牛津伦理贸易有限公司是(英国)
- OET:Office of Emergency Transportation (US DOT) 办公室(美国)紧急运输
- OET:Office of Educational Technology 办公室的教育技术
- OET:Office of Engineering and Technology 办公室的工程和技术
- OET:oral esophageal tube (经)口食管导管
- OET:Online Education and Training 在线教育和培训
- OET:Opinion Editor Time 看来编辑时间
- OET:Office of Employment and Training 办公室的就业培训