OET相关缩略词条,共有 13 条。
- OET:Occupational English Test 职业英语测试
- OET:Office of Economic Transition 办公室的经济转型
- OET:Overhead Electric Traveling (crane) (起重机电气旅游开销)
- OET:Oil Export Terminal 石油出口的终端
- OET:Office of Engineering and Technology (FCC) 办公室的工程技术(FCC)
- OET:Oxford Ethical Trading Ltd (UK) 牛津伦理贸易有限公司是(英国)
- OET:Office of Emergency Transportation (US DOT) 办公室(美国)紧急运输
- OET:Office of Educational Technology 办公室的教育技术
- OET:Office of Engineering and Technology 办公室的工程和技术
- OET:oral esophageal tube (经)口食管导管
- OET:Online Education and Training 在线教育和培训
- OET:Opinion Editor Time 看来编辑时间
- OET:Office of Employment and Training 办公室的就业培训